foarte fain scena, mai ales avand in vedere scena de la inceputul episodului cand Meredith vorbeste cu Cristina si ii spune ca:
Do you know I can’t remember the last time we kissed? Cause you never think the last time is the last time. You think there’ll be more. You think you have forever, but you don’t. I just… I just need something to happen. I need a sign that things are gonna change. I need a reason to go on. I need some hope. And in the absence of hope, I need to stay in bed and feel like I might die today.
da,tocmai. 🙂 adica despre asta este vorba.
eu incercam sa ma pregatesc pentru ultima data si tot m-a luat prin surprindere. 🙂
I need a reason to go on.
…pick me, choose me, love me… replica asta mi s-a parut geniala
oricum sunt fericit ca a inceput sezonu 4 in state, deja episodu 10 si e din ce in ce mai tare:)
[…] 10 ianuarie 2008 Ma distreaza foarte tare ca destul de des in ultima vreme am referer de aici, un post vechi scris de pe blogul Andressei cu un fragment din Grey’s la care am comentat in […]
10/12/2007 at 5:50 PMpure chemistry!
10/12/2007 at 6:00 PMam nimerit cumva pe vre-un fan club “Grey’s Anatomy” ?
10/12/2007 at 6:41 PMhe he, vazusem doar titlul, in reader, si am stiut ca e Meredith:)
Raluca T.
10/12/2007 at 6:50 PMGigel , everybody is in this fanclub, it’s just that some dont’t know it yet…
10/12/2007 at 7:14 PMAwww si eu am scris de Meredith azi, cred ca e ceva in aer 😀
10/12/2007 at 8:07 PMfoarte fain scena, mai ales avand in vedere scena de la inceputul episodului cand Meredith vorbeste cu Cristina si ii spune ca:
Do you know I can’t remember the last time we kissed? Cause you never think the last time is the last time. You think there’ll be more. You think you have forever, but you don’t. I just… I just need something to happen. I need a sign that things are gonna change. I need a reason to go on. I need some hope. And in the absence of hope, I need to stay in bed and feel like I might die today.
10/12/2007 at 9:46 PMmelin,
da,tocmai. 🙂 adica despre asta este vorba.
eu incercam sa ma pregatesc pentru ultima data si tot m-a luat prin surprindere. 🙂
I need a reason to go on.
11/12/2007 at 5:21 PMthis is why we looove grey’s anatomy, right? 🙂 intotdeauna te ia prin surprindere. si e frumos ca mereu face asta intr-un mod inteligent.
p.s.: I also need a reason to go on, dar ne descurcam si noi cum putem. whatever gets you through the day 😉
11/12/2007 at 5:22 PMyeap.
11/12/2007 at 8:42 PM…pick me, choose me, love me… replica asta mi s-a parut geniala
oricum sunt fericit ca a inceput sezonu 4 in state, deja episodu 10 si e din ce in ce mai tare:)
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10/01/2008 at 12:27 AM[…] 10 ianuarie 2008 Ma distreaza foarte tare ca destul de des in ultima vreme am referer de aici, un post vechi scris de pe blogul Andressei cu un fragment din Grey’s la care am comentat in […]