Say you’re in Romania right now. Looking at the monitor, sorrounded by empty bottles of alcohol you drank all night trying to get yourself asleep and forget that I am far, far away, in Warsaw. Cheer up, my dear friend! This guide is to help you* find your way to me! 😀
First of all, you should know that, although Poland is in the EU and, generally speaking, Romanians don’t need a visa to get in the EU, but only a two-way ticket and money, you do need a visa for Poland! Fortunately, the visa is easy to obtain. Your interview is a phonecall away and the cost of a visa for a few days is little.
If you come by car and you want to transit Ukraine, you should also know that you need a transit visa for Ukraine. You also need a green-card – a special kind of car insurance for international use.
If you come by plane, the cheapest flight is a Tarom one and it arrives in Warsaw at 6:50am.
Write to me at least one day before you arrive, so we can exchange phone-numbers and decide on a place and time to meet.
In case you’re already in Warsaw, like Florentina, the girl who wrote a comment on one of my posts and has already visited me yesterday, let me know by email. If you’re in any other city in Poland, please write to me and let’s see if we can get together in Crakow, Auschwitz or any other place I might visit.
*This post has two targets: my friends [“Pleeeeeaaaaasssseeee, visit me!!!!”] and people I have never met, but are in Warsaw and are reading this now [“Maybe we can get together sometime.”] 🙂
Andrei Sava
07/10/2006 at 2:17 PMDoes this means you are feeling lonely?…One way or another…it’s a cute way to say it!
Hugs from Romania!
07/10/2006 at 2:37 PMii ziceam liviei prin august, cand m-am vazut cu ea prima oara dupa ce a venit, ca mi-ar face placere daca pot si sunt bine venit sa merg cateva zile prin Varsovia, pe la tine. 🙂 Am vrut si la Cris, dar nu au iesit calculele. Acum ies, caci leptopul meu e aproape platit. Ce o fi o fi, ma bucur ca e frumos p-acolo, ma relaxeaza sa uit de job si sa citesc cum e prin Varsovia… toate bune si frumoase
ai grija de tine
07/10/2006 at 2:40 PMAndrei, yes.
Luca, fugi si ia-ti viza! 🙂
07/10/2006 at 2:49 PMce rapid se primeste raspuns p-aci. stateam deci si ma miram de rapiditate siiiiii…. mi-am dat seama citind faza cu viza ca eu nu am nici macar pasaport :)) mai sunt cateva etape… mai incolo deci:) take care
07/10/2006 at 2:58 PMLuca,
Hmmm sa pun un later edit cu “firstly, you need a passport”? It is a bigginners’ guide… Hmmm…
07/10/2006 at 4:39 PMHow about meeting in Cracow? We’ll be there Oct 24 – 31!
07/10/2006 at 7:07 PMOana,
I’d love to! I’ll email you.
12/10/2006 at 12:05 AMAndressa NU ai nevoie de viza ca sa mergi in Polonia. Ai nevoie de viza numai in cazul in care vrei sa stai mai mult de 3 luni. Ca in orice tara din EU poti sta 3 luni in acea tara in 6 luni de la prima intrare. spun asta din experienta, nu din auzite.
Numai bine.
13/10/2006 at 11:24 AMAm fost in Varsovia in mai pentru 2 zile (deh, m-a trimis firma la “trening”) si NU am avut nevoie de viza.
13/10/2006 at 11:31 AMDee,
am spus ca e nevoie pentru ca asa mi s-a spus la consulat. Poate am inteles gresit – dar era vorba de vize pentru mai putin de 5 zile de sedere, pentru o luna, pentru mai putin de 6 luni etc. Poate s-a schimbat procedura!
09/11/2006 at 1:52 AMMi-ar place sa vizitez Polonia, I’m sure it is quite interesting, but I’m stuck here designing shoes, ohh well I guess it could be worse…
From rainy Portland, Oregon,
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