
Just for laughs

The “Welcome to Civilisation” Award goes to:

A guy: “And do you have cable TV in Romania?”
Me: (laughing) “Do you think I live in a treehouse?”

The “Ignorance” Award goes to:

A guy: “So where are you from?”
the Finnish girls: “From Finland.”
Me: “And I’m from Romania.”
Him: “Really? Finland? That’s fascinating!”

the same guy after 10 minutes, introducing us to some friend of his: “And they are from Finland and she is from Rwu.. Ro… Ri… where did you say you were from?”

The “National Branding” Award and the Jury Special Award for The Worst Pick Up Line of the Year goes to:

A guy: “Where are you from?”
Me: “Romania.”
Him: “Really? I’ve heard so many bad things about Romania!”

The “Neighbour’s Goat” Award goes to:

A Portuguese exchange student: “And I hate my neighbours. They’re so suspicious. Just because we have darker skin, they think we’re terrorists or something!”

The persons described in this post really exist. No Polish person was harmed as a consequence of these conversations.


  • Reply
    15/10/2006 at 3:19 PM

    Very funny, rwandan girl :p

  • Reply
    15/10/2006 at 3:31 PM

    Ce sa-i faci, oameni ignoranti si cu prejudeati sunt si pe aici…
    Mai tii minte faza cu fata aia care, atunci cand i-ai spus ca mergi cu bursa in Varsovia, te-a intrebat daca stii rusa? 🙂

  • Reply
    15/10/2006 at 3:37 PM

    Da, cum sa nu. Dar si aici o finlandeza i-a spus unui polonez ca sunt “aproape independenti” 🙂 Iti poti imagina ce fata a facut ala? 😀

  • Reply
    15/10/2006 at 4:49 PM

    OK, that was definetly the best pick-up line ever =)) Absolutely gorgeous. Hahahahaha, it made my day.

  • Reply
    15/10/2006 at 7:33 PM

    reminds me of smth – when I was in Hungary on studies, somebody was set for picking us up in an Audi. and one of my colleagues asks me in a very confidential tone – “You know what an Audi is, right?”… I replied “No, in Romania there is only Tractor Universal… and that’s for nobody but the President…”

  • Reply
    15/10/2006 at 8:52 PM

    Deci scrii in engleza dar comentezi in romana? Care e rostul???

  • Reply
    15/10/2006 at 8:53 PM

    Te enervez pe tine! 😛

  • Reply
    15/10/2006 at 11:28 PM

    “just because we have darker skin”,e chiar criminala…very funny.

  • Reply
    16/10/2006 at 12:05 AM

    haha, ma intreb cat va mai fi adevarata ultima linie in ritmul asta 😀

  • Reply
    Florin Grozea
    16/10/2006 at 2:05 AM

    Fun. And sad.

  • Reply
    16/10/2006 at 8:23 AM

    great! made my day! 🙂

  • Reply
    16/10/2006 at 3:44 PM

    Did u think about writing “I`m from Romania” on a piece of paper and post it on your back? Or does it seem a bit…dangerous :).
    Really, it`s not that bad. I happened to meet romanians who didn`t know where Caracal was :),or worse,where Targoviste was!!!
    This world won`t stop amaizing us,that`s for sure :).

  • Reply
    16/10/2006 at 8:34 PM

    Acum opt ani de zile lucram la o banca intr-un small town, USA.
    Un client m-a intrebat de unde sunt, pentru ca sesizeaza un accent diferit. Eu i-am spus ca sunt din Romania.
    El s-a inseninat si a spus:
    “I’m from Virginia”… Chiar credea ca Romania este un alt stat din SUA.
    De atunci incoace am intalnit tot felul de persoane that have no clue about simple things.
    The best one was this lady that ask me, “What year is in Romania, now”.

  • Reply
    17/10/2006 at 12:43 PM

    pauldumitru adevarul ca daca nu stii unde e caracal e grav de tot… sa nu mai zic de satchinez(poti sa vezi pe harta ca exista).
    andressa…ce te asteptai sa se intample intr-o tara straina? stii foarte bine cum sunt vazuti romanii afara si faptul ca esti studenta acolo nu te scuteste de a fi catalogata ca restul populatiei acestei tari de kko. tu sa iti faci datoria patriotica de a le spune ca lucrurile nu stau chiar asa, macar 2-3 studenti sa convingi de asta,ei la randul lor POATE vor convinge pe altii samd.Datorita tie toata Europa va stii ca Romania nu e cum cred ei…vei fii eroina…aberez :)).

  • Reply
    Mordax » Asa intram in Europa…
    17/10/2006 at 4:20 PM

    […] Update: Sneaky Sid le zice si ea “pe sleau” despre integrare. And Andressa discovers the growing pains of emerging in a multi-cultural environment. […]

  • Reply
    17/10/2006 at 7:16 PM

    It’s very disturbing if you think about it, because it makes you realise that no matter what you do to some people you will always be not good enough. But who cares what people think 😛

  • Reply
    18/10/2006 at 10:39 PM

    frumos 😀

  • Reply
    19/10/2006 at 1:30 AM

    Trist, foarte trist. Cam asta este parerea strainezilor despre minunata noastra patrie, Romanica. Si cred ca o sa gasesti muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuult mai mult premianti prin Varsovia.:)

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