
How come they never show up when we’re crying?

How come they never show up when we’re crying?
How come they never show up when we’re sitting in an elevator feeling lonely?
How come they cheat on us the night we’re lying awake crying and wishing we hadn’t been far away?
How come we run into them when we still love them and on that day we look awful and feel awful and we’re still in love and they’re with someone else and suddenly we feel even uglier and the love story of our lives becomes a big joke and we can hardly breath and yet we don’t pass out but smile and walk on and we know we’ll always remember that painful moment and relive it in slow motion sometimes, when we can’t sleep?
How come we need to get over them at least twice the time it took for us to trust them?
There is no happily ever after, after all. There is no “meant to be”. It’s just us. And they never show up when they should. We’re on our own.

I know, breathe… Just breathe.


  • Reply
    01/07/2007 at 3:43 PM

    oh man… trebuia sa scrii de asta? m-am despartit de ea acum cinci ani, dupa doi ani in care am fost impreuna, on and off. acum e plecata din tara, casatorita, are un copil. cit am fost impreuna le-am facut pe toate: m-am umilit, am iertat-o ca m-a inselat, am palmuit-o, am plins dupa ea. nu regret nimic. si cred ca inca sint indragostit de ea…

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    01/07/2007 at 3:54 PM

    P.S. i couldn’t help it: BREATHE (because it’s the verb, not the noun).

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    01/07/2007 at 5:07 PM

    The worse you’re treated, the more you love them. And you cannot get them out of your system.
    And loneliness eats you up very quietly.

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    01/07/2007 at 5:10 PM

    it isn’t the loneliness, but the disappointment.

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    01/07/2007 at 5:14 PM

    oh, common! whom have we met today? (like in “so many possibilities, so little time!”)

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    01/07/2007 at 5:26 PM


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    01/07/2007 at 5:59 PM

    yeah, go to a swimming pool, if you find a nice one, go take your friends, make a kite, play scrabble and have ice tea, select your clothes and see if you can donate….:)

    Just get out, try something new with some people.. do something for someone else 😀 Visit your old relatives and find out the story of their lives.

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    01/07/2007 at 6:41 PM

    1. Get drunk… 2. Repeat till numb… 3. Does not work? Sober up & repeat some more…

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    01/07/2007 at 6:59 PM

    “There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.” Nietzsche

    Keep them away and they will always want to be close 🙂

  • Reply
    01/07/2007 at 7:02 PM

    Have I said I needed cheering up? That I needed some advice?
    I don’t. I’m fine. I’m optimistic even.
    I was just saying it never happens like it does in the movies. There is no happy end. We make our own ending. Were on our own. It’s fine. I’m fine.

  • Reply
    01/07/2007 at 7:10 PM

    Saw last night “Frankie and Johnny”, third time! Michelle Pfeiffer & Al Pacino.
    Nice scene with the condom on the first date, when two people are in love. Who brings it ? 🙂

  • Reply
    Horea Badau
    01/07/2007 at 7:58 PM

    hm…de aceea am sa vb in romana:) oricate dezamagiri ar fi, ea, exista…ea, gratia….cum spunea cineva drag mie: ,,continua sa pasesti si , intr-un ceas, va veni si ea, gratia”. gratia nu vine daca stai pe loc. numai daca mergi inainte. mergi inainte pe drumul tau si atunci cand nu te vei gandi, va veni si ea, gratia. va veni pe neasteptate adusa de pasii pe care i-ai facut pe drumul tau. noica, in citatul de mai sus, se referea la cunoastere, dar cred ca se aplica si in cazul de fata. mergi pe drumul tau si, intr-un ceas, va veni si ea, gratia. nu exista niciodata. shrek? are dreptate… ,,i’m a believer”:)

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    01/07/2007 at 8:55 PM

    I wrote and deleted for about 10 times.
    It’s not about you. It’s not about me.
    It’s not about whether you’re fine or not.
    It’s about stepping up, as a good friend of mine said “Hey! It’s just me, in a continuous state of evolution.” (i’m not shure if he qutoed someone else)
    It’s all about taking the best out of the worse, taking the sun from behind the clouds.
    It’s much easier said then done, but once you got the sun out of the clouds it smiles upon you, and proves you for the “N”th time, that the world lies at your feet, nothing happens without a reason, and you’re free. Free from much more than a lover, a relationship, a constraint. Free from yourself, from your own selfishness, from your sometimes dastardly actions.
    You’re free, you’re fine, it’s just a new begining…

  • Reply
    01/07/2007 at 9:32 PM

    Not an advice…but just something that might happen: One day you’ll feel only the slight pain from disappointment, not the love anymore. It only takes time. Time after time… In my case it took a lot of time and at some point I thought I would die from it. 🙂
    I thought I’ll never heal, but now I only see how disgusting his attitude was (sorry for the strong word). Why should I spend any second of my life thinking of a men who’s a player. Love is not a game. Love is a lot of love and brings the best in us.

  • Reply
    01/07/2007 at 11:57 PM

    yeah, and he don’t bring you flowers anymore! life’s a bitch! get over it!

  • Reply
    02/07/2007 at 12:58 AM

    Flowers like flowers…but there are a few other things we care for.

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    02/07/2007 at 1:57 AM

    In my sordid and outstretched experiences, you are precisely correct: we make our own endings. Once I arrived at this understanding, I decided not to be on my own. I decided to be happy.

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    02/07/2007 at 2:05 AM


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    02/07/2007 at 2:24 AM

    hang in there… trece. nu repede, si probabil nu de tot. dar ajunge sa nu mai doara. nu foarte tare… 🙁 oricum, hang in there.

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    02/07/2007 at 8:50 AM

    Ah, cmon, all ya pink unicorns, stop the fairy tales 🙂

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    02/07/2007 at 10:44 AM

    no love … no pain… justa a clod frozen thing called heart…
    incite cazuri el/ea este unul din motive ? ca dupa o cearta de exemplu ? si de si o/il vrei aproape … nu te poti abtine sa strecori un repros ? … si totul degenereaza…din nou… grrrr

  • Reply
    02/07/2007 at 10:44 AM

    “like?” Have you ever loved a woman? 🙂

    Like integrity for ex…. I feel sorry for men who are struggling in a relationship because of their ego. I feel sorry for men who are incapable to be in touch with their feelings and pretend to be something they’re not. I’ll only be angry with men who are afraid to show their vulnerabilities in a close relationship and hide or even worse lie because they prefer to get the other hurt.

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    02/07/2007 at 2:00 PM

    draga mea, foarte frumos si trist ai scris. shit happens and there’s no “how come?” about it. toata simpatia si gandurile bune si, take it from an old(er) bitch ;), cui pe cui se scoate :)…

  • Reply
    02/07/2007 at 2:03 PM

    asta cu “cui pe cui se scoate” e foarte amuzanta! :)) Sa inteleg ca o dezamagire o face pe alta sa fie uitata? Ca fiecare nesimtit isi are nasul?

    Sau ca ar trebui sa ma razbun in chip malefic si apoi sa traversez multe babute strada ca sa mi se refaca “punctele de karma”? 🙂

  • Reply
    02/07/2007 at 2:33 PM

    eu o foloseam in sensul de un alt affair (mai mult sau mai putin profund) abate atentia de la cel anterior…
    dar poti oricand sa le treci strada pe toate cocoanele 70+ pe care le intalnesti, si-asa observ ca se incapataneaza sa bantuie pe bulivard la 38 de grade :)…

    iti tin pumnii sa apara asap idila frivola din care tu iesi bine si uiti mintenas de bajetul asta care umbla creanga cu alta 🙂

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    Cristian Greger
    02/07/2007 at 2:51 PM

    Vezi ca am ceva pt tine la mine :))) hihihi

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    02/07/2007 at 6:00 PM

    I’ve heard somebody talking about a “reset buton”… I haven’t found one yet on me, i suppose it hasn’t grown ’till now, I’m a late bloomer, me… But maybe others are luckier!

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    02/07/2007 at 6:45 PM

    Cui dupa cui dupa cui…alta solutie nu am 🙂
    Se intampla tuturor, si e foarte nasol, dar ne ajuta sa crestem mari? Plangi, urla, tranteste, iesi cu altii si iti trece. Problema e cand te vrea el inapoi ca te vede ca poti trai fara el, acolo e buba. Mie asta mi se intampla over and over and over again.. mamma lor.

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    02/07/2007 at 9:58 PM

    nu e chiar asa .ei nu o sa apara niciodata atunci cand ai nevoie de ei tocmai pentru ca ti`o doresti atat de mult
    ei o sa se intoarca exact atunci cand nu ii mai vrei iar asta e un fapt dovedit
    in momentul in care nu o sa te mai gandesti si in care o sa-ti fie total indiferent atunci o sa se intoarca atunci o sa vina la tine si asta e..mai mult de un “boost” pentru orgoliul tau alta stare u o sa mai produca

    :)) ai sa vezi

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    02/07/2007 at 11:35 PM

    Uneori esti in subconstientul tau, pe care il parcurgi ca pe un labirint de holuri si sali inguste, spre o incapere intunecoasa in care se afla o poarta imensa cu gratii. Te apropii si incerci sa comunici cu celalalt tu, cel ce te stiai a fi, dar in locul tau apare un monstru cu doua randuri dese de dinti si cu ochii rosii care iti imprumuta forta sa. (Naruto intalneste bestia cu noua cozi) Ne simtim rau pentru ca astfel se alerteaza sistemul nostru interior, ne simtim rau tocmai pentru a putea depasi unele momente.

  • Reply
    03/07/2007 at 12:53 AM

    Dear Paula,

    I think I did, and I’m pretty sure that, in a way, I still love a woman, and other women, for that matter, but not alike. And I can conceive peoples who try to hurt others for fun or, like in most of the cases, in my opinion, out of ignorance, because mainly they don’t know, or can’t predict, things. I don’t think that you never hurt somebody, and although I think you did, that don’t make you a bad person. My point here is that people are very different. And that makes you not so certain about things you have to do, or things they need, or ask for, without saying. Applied in a joke of Carlos Mencia this idea is like this: women all have a G spot … but in all the different places. Take the G spot as a system of basic requirement or a list of spoken or unspoken demands or something like this, the G spot is different and in a different place for everyone, and do not apply this exclusively to women, men are probably the same, and you’ll get the picture.
    Someone who loves you will not intentionally hurt you, but if it will, I think is part of your experience with people and next time you’ll have a little bit more nose for such kind. We’re not here to be happy, this is a very strong idea of mine, but we can be… by “stealing” happiness. So, none of us deserve it but we can get it from time to time. Maybe the happiness will be within the old cliché of “small things”, maybe will be in sharing things, or I don’t know, wherever someone can get it… and most of all is not up to us to work for it, no, that ain’t gonna fly, but is in our power to BE ABLE to see it when it happens… IF it happens.
    I seen a lot of women who can’t “express feelings” or worst, who ignore feelings, facts, things so important for them in life only because of ego or, and this is madness, THINGS… like money or… I don’t know, things. Maybe is a men thing to not express emotions for women, although I very much doubt it, but it occur to me that if you’re in guy “business” you’ll see flaws in men, but I’m in girls “business” so I see flaws in women. Is mainly a matter of perception, and stand point of view.
    If you figured all the things you said by yourself and you can face the side effects of generalizing them I’m ok with that, but first you’ll have to ask yourself if you really achieve them personally and if it’s worth it to apply such rules to other indiscriminately.
    Take care, bye.

  • Reply
    03/07/2007 at 1:02 AM

    ps. for Paula, I like your paintings. This is talent and a little bit of finesse 😉 … in my book anyway!

  • Reply
    03/07/2007 at 2:41 AM

    became a workaholic for a while and will help you a lot.that’s the perfect cure to lie yourself……at least for a while…

  • Reply
    03/07/2007 at 3:17 AM


  • Reply
    03/07/2007 at 9:32 AM

    eu deja am cam trecut peste asta. am scris detasata fiind. a trecut mult timp.

  • Reply
    03/07/2007 at 10:12 AM

    good to hear than :). nice piece of writing, da’ asta stiai deja ;).

  • Reply
    03/07/2007 at 10:12 AM

    good to hear thaT, of course 🙂

  • Reply
    03/07/2007 at 3:18 PM

    povestile, supararile si sentimentele dnsoarei Pasaretea, acum numai pe andressa.ro

  • Reply
    03/07/2007 at 5:33 PM


    Sorry, I didn’t mean to generalize. I don’t think I did though.

    I agree: people are different. I’d say men are different from women and in a way I very much like that. Also, I think men are different from other men. There are good men and better men in this world. So I guess I learned my hard lesson once and I know why I don’t feel like spending much of my time with a man who cares so much about his ego instead of “being together”. I never fully understood men but I know that many of them are very proud even where there is no reason to be. Much later I realized they’re proud especially when they’re weak. I am not going to guess if he loves me or not. That will make life too complicated. :)He needs to show me. As I do need to show him.

    Anyway… every relationship is different because people have different values.

    PS. Thank you for “ps”.

  • Reply
    03/07/2007 at 10:56 PM

    Andressa am incercat sa-ti trimit mail si nu a mers, nu stiu de ce. Oricum vreau sa-ti fac review, cred ca o sa-ti placa, dar sa scrii si tu un post despre asta la tine pe blog, daca vrei normal 😀
    Deci e ciudata faza cu mailul, http://www.andressa.com pe gmail nu merge

  • Reply
    03/07/2007 at 11:19 PM

    pai, nu merge .com, pentru ca e .ro …

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    Rin Tin Tin
    04/07/2007 at 1:26 PM

    “ar trebui sa ma razbun in chip malefic si apoi sa traversez multe babute strada ca sa mi se refaca “punctele de karma” ”
    lololol, revenge is always a delicious dish, being served hot or cold, doesn’t matter:)

  • Reply
    04/07/2007 at 4:41 PM

    I think that somehow we love that feeling, or the pain caused by it…

    did you ever think about telling the one you needed to come to you? did he say no? personally, in that case i couldn`t say no.

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    05/07/2007 at 12:16 PM

    If your relationship is perfect, love in both directions, no problems, no difficulties, then you never get it.
    It’s when the ‘issues’ show their ugly heads when you realize what you’ve had or what you might have had. One quickly forgets perfect love and lingers on the imperfect, broken, amor interruptus and the ‘oh, if I have done it differently…’ relationships.

  • Reply
    30/07/2007 at 2:16 PM

    Da, vreau sa vorbesc si eu putin despre razbunare…
    Demult, o veche prietena a suferit o dezamagire, care a afectat-o destul de rau…
    A schimbat-o pur si simplu. Nu mai avea vechile ei obiceiuri, ci o lipsa totala de chef si parca simtea ca nu isi gaseste locul. Peste vreo doua luni, o intalnesc intamplator, inca in aceeasi situatie. Dupa o discutie scurta i-am sugerat sa se razbune cumva pe ex prietenul ei. Nestiind cum, m-a intrebat daca am vreo sugestie…si i-am spus un lucru simplu: gaseste-i punctul slab, loveste-l acolo unde il doare cel mai rau…
    Si asa a facut…
    Acum sa va zic si ce a facut: ex prietenul ei avea o pasiune exagerata pentru masina lui, ajunsese in vreo 2 cazuri sa o lase pe jos pe tipa doar pentru ca plouase si avea pantofii uzi. Hilara situatie, dar a trecut si peste asta. Imi permit sa o citez pe ea aici: “ar fi facut si sex cu masina daca s-ar fi putut asta…” 🙂
    Intamplarea a facut ca el sa nu isi repare inca telecomanda de la chei pe care o stricase cazandu-i intr-un canal, astfel avand nevoie sa deschida usa in modul clasic. Intr-o seara, cu toate ca avea alarma la masina, tipa i-a pus 2 tuburi de superglue in incuietori si a asteptat dimineata sa il vada ce face. Bineinteles ca a plecat pe jos la serviciu si toata dupa-amiaza si-a petrecut-o intreband ce s-a intamplat, iar in cele din urma a dus masina pe o platforma la un service care a tinut-o acolo vreo 2 saptamani, probabil pentru ca i-au schimbat incuietorile (nu vreau sa ma gandesc, cum au facut de i-au deschis-o ca sa afle ce se intampla). In tot acest timp, el era cel mai nefericit om de pe strada aceea, de altfel asta o arata si fatza lui, tipa respectiva insa…in extaz continuu.
    Nu a trecut mult timp si au inceput prin cunostinte comune sa ii ajunga la urechi fel de fel de amenintari pentru fapta cu superglue, pentru ca logic, ea era principala suspecta, insa el nu a putut dovedi nimic (ca nici amprente nu lasase)iar eu fiind autor moral al faptei inca stateam cu un morcov… Insa ca ea sa fie mai sadica, intr-o zi cand era cu noua lui prietena la o masa impreuna cu alte persoane, a mers la el si i-a zis urmatoarele: De ce nu ti-ai intrebat prietena ta blonda cum sa iesi din situatia cu superglue in incuietorile de la masina…ca probabil ai ales-o ca e mai desteapta (ton ironic), ce, ea nu stie, ca doar are cultura generala, ca superglue se dizolva in 5 minute cu diluant daca nu ai un solvent special?
    (respectivul, mai sa faca infarct acolo…) :)…eu iti spuneam asta daca mai eram impreuna i-a zis ea plecand…(sper sa nu citeasca cel in cauza…)
    E ceva timp de atunci…insa ea, chiar daca a mai schimbat ceva prieteni intre timp, nu a mai fost in situatia de a mai avea o asemenea cadere sa zic asa, insa si acum imi multumeste ca “i-am deschis ochii”, unele persoane nu merita nici macar o lacrima,dar sa iti irosesti nervii si energia sa ii joci o farsa care sa il usture… A ales totusi sa nu se mai razbune pe ei pentru ca oricum nu ar intelege adevaratul sens al razbunarii.
    Nu stiu ce sa zic…insa daca ai ocazia de a te razbuna…macar o data, fa-o…ai sa vezi ca merita…insa atat, numai de data asta… 🙂

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