
Our small world

When I was at the ArtPartTwo exhibition I thought I was in another world. People there were dressed weird (like the students in the public relations department in my school, unlike the journalism ones, but that’s a different story), it was obvious they listen to underground music and do things most of us will never know about (like organize that kind of exhibition).

And I was fascinated (OK, it was the alcohol, too, but really I was staring at some of them) because I knew that I will never be part of their world. I’ll never appreciate experimental art like they do and I’ll never feel comfortable wearing converses with a silk dress and dye my hair green. And I’m not into “visual” like they are. I mean I watch movies, like any other person, but I don’t go to all festivals and projections in abandoned warehouses. And I like Adam Sandler movies (don’t judge me, OK? nobody’s perfect) and I have only recently heard about Omagiu magazine.

I like their world because don’t understand it much. I’ve even dated guys who were into “artistic-hard-to-define-projects” because I found them fascinating (up to a point). But I know I’m never going to be part of the underground world. I admit, I don’t really know that, but a smart friend told me that you can’t be part of several worlds, you should just pick one and be curious about others. I think that’s very nicely put!

And that’s why I was saying that we should live our lives to the full. I’m sorry if I sounded judgmental in my last post, it wasn’t a reproach to the victim (because I think she is a victim) but a wake up call for all those who think that what they do 16 hours a day is the only thing happening in this world.

There are many things happening and the least we could do is be curious about many, even if we can’t be part of them. You may not be a big fan of sports – but have you tried many? Maybe you think digital art is crap – how much do you know about it? I hear people saying blogging sucks – have they read any blogs? NGO’s are evil – have you volunteered in any?

A professor was telling us at school that journalists have to get out of their offices as often as they can, to see the world, smell it, see people, talk to them, observe movement. I think that’s something we all should do. Just to see the world outside the box. Our small box.


  • Reply
    26/04/2007 at 12:53 AM

    mentionezi cam des alcoolul in posturi… problem? 😛
    da, multi ne uitam la filme cu Adam Sandler. no biggie.
    trebuie sa comentez in engleza? :-/

  • Reply
    26/04/2007 at 1:05 AM

    the students in the public relations department in my school, unlike the journalism ones, but that’s a different story

    I’d like to hear it 🙂

  • Reply
    26/04/2007 at 1:44 AM

    Brilliant! I totally agree with you. I recommend you “Paris je t’aime” 🙂 It’s about the other worlds that we’re curios about and it’s great.

  • Reply
    Paris, je t'aime « Junior Blogger
    26/04/2007 at 3:02 AM

    […] be part of several worlds, you should just pick one and be curious about others.” (via Andressa) In this film, the other worlds you’re curios about (or maybe just some of them) reveal to […]

  • Reply
    26/04/2007 at 8:58 AM

    mentionez des pentru ca ma refer de fiecare data la sambata trecuta, cand am baut. Acum se leaga lucrurile, nu?
    Poti comenta si in indiana.

    ok, next post then. If nothing else comes up and clears my judgement! 😛

    I’ve heard it’s good. I’ll try to see it soon. Thanx! 🙂

  • Reply
    wicked maraya
    26/04/2007 at 10:28 AM

    engleza ta, draga tiitoare de blog, e muci.

  • Reply
    26/04/2007 at 4:24 PM

    draga wicked maraya, tot ce ai inteles tu din acest blog e muci. No offence!

  • Reply
    26/04/2007 at 5:12 PM

    very, very cute post… imi vine asa, sa o dau dracului de treaba si sa ma duc in central park sa ma uit la copiii care se joaca. si vineri sa ma duc la un concert intr-un muzeu de arta in loc sa imi scriu lucrarea la politici publice. nu stiu daca o voi face, dar daca apuc macar din cand in cand sa fac astfel de gesturi… inca nu sunt pierduta 🙂 thanks for the inspiration!

  • Reply
    26/04/2007 at 5:55 PM

    wicked maraya,
    daca as fi primit o prajitura de cate ori mi s-a spus asta, as fi mancat cu 3 prajituri mai mult decat pana acum! 🙂

    glad I could be of help! 🙂 si sa te duci la muzeul ala. ce naiba! macar sa stii ce pierzi! 🙂

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