
5 ore de shopping

It happens sometimes, rarely, that I’m in such a shopping mood that I would even sell one kidney for a nice dress.

Today was one of those days. And it was a good day, as it was the first day after Christmas when the shopping centers were open and the sales period has started.

I decided that skinny jeans are a must, since I am skinny! : )))) I love them. I look gorgeous in them.

I think it was the first time in my life when I found two pairs of shoes I really liked. Usually, they don’t fit or they just feel funny in my feet. Not even to mention that normally I just don’t like the shoes I see. Unfortunatelly for me, the first pair was too expensive and the second… well, I just couldn’t bring myself to buy it, really. It’s not in my genes to buy shoes. And it’s a pitty, too, because I bought so many nice outfits and I have only one pair of shoes.

You know, I’ve been asked if people in Finland dress unconventionally. The answer is no. They just wear pumas with jeans and poofy jackets in the winter, the usual stuff. They are very “United Colors of Benetton” people. The only unconventional thing about their look is the hair: they spend a lot of time and hair products trying to make it look “natural” or “messy”. I think that’s silly. They should do what I do: nothing. And it really looks messy or natural. Much cheaper, trust me!

I think Finnish people have bad taste in shoes. Cheap shoes are not made of leather, they look like hell after a week Plus, I saw too many identical models. Diversity, people! I don’t want the black boots that everybody has.

Funny thing: today I helped Minna’s mother pick out an outfit for an event she has to go to. The funny thing is not the shopping itself, but the way we communicate. She doesn’t speak much English, you can imagine I am not fluent in Finnish, so we just use a lot of “umhm”-s and point at stuff. It has worked so far, talking about food mostly, but talking about colors and sizes – that’s another story! We eventually decided on a black long skirt, a red and a black top (we liked both) and couldn’t find nice shoes, unfortunatelly. It was fun!

I just packed. It was a challenge to sqeeze into a 75-liter backpack so much stuff. Picture this: 4 huge boxes of chocolates (with vodka filling for my FJSC colleagues and teachers hihihi), a set of magnet boxes for spices form Ikea, a picture frame for 10 pictures : )))), a Supeman soap (it’s for a friend, okay?? He got me for Christmas a Buddy Jesus action figure, so I just had to buy something just as nice!), three stuffed animals (one of them is a cute rat for my significant other, a moose for me and another one just in case!), 6 pairs of socks (three for andreiard, one for Catastif, two just in case). I so have a shopping addiction!!! Just in case!? What was I thinking?? I almost bought sauna-frangrance for Stingo because it was “bjork”, just like the artist he adores! And I wanted a sauna-termometer for my room : ))))) Thank God, I didn’t buy all that stuff, or I would have been organ-free by now.

So, in case somebody reading this now is coming to Warsaw and then to Bucharest in January, I am giving candy in return for transportation of clothes. In case somebody reading this now is in Warsaw, I would apreciate some help carrying my backpack home from the airport. : ))))) Ok, I’m kidding! But I think it weighs 30 kg. And I weigh 47… I gained a kilo here, yay!

I’m getting ready for my last sauna. And the sauna “makkara” – special kind of sausages I love. Tomorrow, I will be back in Warsaw. And in a month, in Bucharest.


  • Reply
    cosmin dulea
    27/12/2006 at 9:07 PM

    bine scris…fara prea multe greseli gramaticale…::)))) thanks pt informatiile despre aparatul photo.:D

  • Reply
    27/12/2006 at 10:43 PM

    You could also consider that someone already in Warsaw at the moment will be leaving for Bucharest in January so, in this case, that person could both help you with your heavy, full of socks, backpack at the Warsaw arrival and transport it to Bucharest too, but, of course, I’m also jocking because I have nothing better to do and, since I have been warned before, I don’t think my comment will pass the moderation queue anyway. Or will it? 🙂

    On a second thought, I think it could pass, unless, after all this organ market talk, somehow you managed to sell your kind heart for some skinny jeans money …

  • Reply
    27/12/2006 at 10:55 PM

    you and everybody else correcting me: you can kiss my illiterate… hands. I’m typing on the floor, never reading twice what I’m posting. I’m doing it for fun, not to take my Cambridge certificate. So, give me a break already.

    what’s up your pants? It’s fun posting comments anonymously, isn’t it? Well, I like the persons with enough blood in their cojones to at least leave an email address.

  • Reply
    28/12/2006 at 2:05 AM

    Andressa, since you’ve said I haven’t posted my e-mail adress last time (which I had!) I honestly think there is a problem with WP, and not us, bloodless cojonesless, readers of yours (I don’t know if it’s the case, only an oppinion)

    I sincerely hope you have all of your organs in their right place and it looks like you’re having plenty of fun from down here… I am actually wondering what a netboy like me would have to do to get his skinny hands on one of those votka filled chocolates of yours (actually, no, buying a plane ticket is not an option, but anything else goes…)

  • Reply
    28/12/2006 at 2:49 AM

    What do you mean, you “almost” bought the bjork thing? You’re so cruel. OK! Then I demand… hm, what’s up for grabs? A pair of socks? (Since I already have a stuffed animal, and I am not talking about Shaki by the way, although she is quite stuffed with chicken leftovers at the moment!)

  • Reply
    cosmin dulea
    28/12/2006 at 7:44 AM

    u know what’s funny??? i type in the same position,maybe sometimes,laying back on the back porch.and if u really would u have the pleasure to read my blog,u will see that i have a grammar mistake even in title.i do it for fun too and for the same reason i post that comment.if i didn’t get nt even a smile from u when u read that,it means that my jokes are older than me…
    so what it’s gonna be…u gonna be mean and sarcastic with me or u just gonna give me a smile???
    ps: i badly need a smile….pls pls pls pls pls

  • Reply
    cosmin dulea
    28/12/2006 at 7:53 AM

    later edit: i’ll try to kiss your illiterate lovely hands(i saw them in those pictures) but as much i’ll try i can’t reach over 5000 miles . i’m going for maximum 10 feet away from me.. 😉

  • Reply
    28/12/2006 at 6:47 PM

    Finish socks! Great 🙂

  • Reply
    29/12/2006 at 3:08 AM

    titlu in limba romana si continutul in engleza … don`t worry .. no sugar

  • Reply
    29/12/2006 at 2:22 PM

    gooooood, andressa! you had kicked some …minds here!

  • Reply
    30/12/2006 at 12:57 AM

    Un an nou fericit, cu bucurii, sanatate si multe calatorii!

  • Reply
    01/01/2007 at 9:50 PM

    da, pentru mine e o gluma buna. dar, vorba lui monsoux, putini citesc si chiar si mai putini inteleg! 🙂 de obicei, lumea se uita doar la poze.

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