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The Bullet – Referendum 2007

Ziarul studentesc The Bullet are o editie speciala dedicata Referendumului de pe 19 mai 2007. Numarul acesta include fotoreportaje din Piata Universitatii si de la sectii de votare. Imi place mult de tot. Felicitari echipei! 🙂…



The November issue of the Bullet is online. I read this issue and I really liked it. I am confident that the new team will be at least as good as the former ones. I am really happy that…


Can you dance?

Before you answer yes to that question, you should go to Enklawa during a Salsa Party. Who will be there except you? La creme de la creme of Polish salsa dancers. For only 5 zlots (1,2 euros) if you’re…


The Bullet is back!

The Center for Independent Journalism is now recruiting new students for the Bullet. I was a member of the Bullet last year, when Larry Gerber and George Hari Popescu were the editors. The experience was rewarding: I made new…


The beauty of it

Sometimes, being a journalist is great. The profession brings you satisfaction if you enjoy meeting people, talking to people and it compensates the anonymity you are condemned to – it’s difficult to be a star as a journalist, few…


The faucet

I noticed that my urge to write is like a faucet with a constant flow. Whether it’s the blog, an assignment or an article, I have to write constantly. Sometimes I blog a few times a day and there…


Foarte tare, frate! :)

The Bullet continua si pe perioada verii! Ziarul scris de studenti, din echipa caruia am facut si eu parte, cu mandrie spun asta,  pastreaza versiunea online in romana pe perioada verii. Am sa incerc si eu sa scriu ceva…


Noul numar din Bullet

A aparut noul numar din Bullet. E ultimul numar scris de echipa aceasta, urmeaza o noua selectie in toamna. Pe timpul verii, ziarul va aparea in varianta online. Si eu voi incerca sa ajut! 🙂 Go Bullet! Editorialul e…


faza zilei

In ultimul timp am cam neglijat ONG-urile la care fac voluntariat. Facultatea, Bullet-ul si cele doua joburi imi ocupa tot timpul. Astfel, ii spuneam azi presedintelui MASTER Forum despre al doilea job si ce fac exact. Ce raspunde el:…