I am happy to announce that that some friends from Poland arrived in Bucharest yesterday. Four persons came. Two of them I had met when I was an exchange student in Warsaw and they were very helpful and friendly.
I made arrangements for their accommodation at a hostel. When I called and made the reservations they didn’t ask for my name or my credit card number, or anything else. I asked what would happene if somebody else came and claimed the reservation. Their reply was “What are the odds?” So I’m sure you feel for me when I tell you that yesterday evening when my friends were supposed to leave their stuff at the hostel, they called me and told me that there was no reservation made for them. I was so embarrassed and furious at the same time. I called the manager instantly ans rushed to the place. The man said he was on his way there as well and that he had found a solution (the reservation was useless, nonetheless). Luckily, we had a happy ending because the rooms he had prepared for them, at another location though, were very nice.
You should have seen my friends faces when they asked if their passports were needed to fill in some forms and the manager said no. And that’s what we call the black market!
Anyway, as I was coming directly from work when I met them, I told them about it a little. Oh, and I have great news: very cute guy in the office said hello to me yesterday. We have not been properly introduce yet, but I see a great professional relationship waiting to happen.
I took my friends out yesterday evening. My significant other, whom I am very much in love with, was busy doing something else, as usual, probably watching TV, so I had a few beers and talked in English all night with my friends. Have you noticed that there are more and more foreigners in Romania since our ascension to the EU? Or was it just the beers making me hear foreign languages everywhere?
I’m glad Steaua won the football game yesterday evening. We made fun of it a little. Oh, and I realized I can still speak some Polish. Wonderful!
I didn’t stay very long last night, I must admit, as today I have to be at work earlier than usual. So I’m off, preparing for my busy day. I’m probably going to spend my afternoon with my Polish friends today. I can’t wait!
09/08/2007 at 10:28 AMExact la asta ma gindeam si eu pe cind bateam orasul ca musca fara cap simbata : ia te uita ce de straini ! N-am mai vazut atitia niciodata. Autocare peste autocare, oameni cu fete vesele si curioase (naive ?!) , grupuri care fotografiau in draci Casa Poporului. Si brusc mi s-a facut cam rusine. Ce dracu le putem noi oferi, ce pot sa vada prin orasul asta? Macar s-a mai asflaltat si reparat ceva si incepem sa mai aratam cumva fata de acum
zece ani cind chiar ca era dezastru. Salutari!
PS De unde stii ca se uita la televizor si chiar nu avea treaba omul?
Alina Popescu
09/08/2007 at 10:44 AMHaha, maybe you can turn it into an exploitable weekness and make our pigeon friends proud 😉
09/08/2007 at 11:24 AMcarolingianule,
pai nu avem ce sa le aratam. Azi vor vedea centrul vechi. Cred ca vor ramane socati de halul in care arata. Stii ca ei si-ai reconstruit centrul vechi dupa razboi, nu? E uimitor acolo.
Si da, se repara, asa e, dar daca ai fi vazut prin ce noroaie am trecut pentr uca trotuarul era in reparatii si nu exista o pasarela, ceva. Muream de rusine. Parca venise unu’ la mine acasa si eu stateam in gunoaie. Cam asa era. Si totul era in reparatii. Universitatea e acopertia de o reclama pentru se repara… In fine, poate in scurt timp va fi mai bine.
ps: mu stiam, dar nici nu a dat vreun semn. Cred totusi ca ar trebui sa ma abtin sa povestesc pe aici.
what weakness, I don’t get it.
Cristi Roman
09/08/2007 at 11:36 AMSint numai transee acum in zona veche. Poate vrei sa le arati descoperirile arheologice de sub strazi, alea da…
Iar legat de hosteluri, cam asa e peste tot. Crezi ca noua ne da cineva vreo factura de fiecare data cind stam in zona 0 din Budapesta? Sa fim seriosi….
09/08/2007 at 12:41 PMsince our accession to the EU…..
09/08/2007 at 1:00 PMPoate are cineva mai multe idei, e mai inspirat: ce pot sa vada strainii in Bucuresti ? Unde i-ati duce daca va vin in vizita ?
09/08/2007 at 2:44 PMDa’puteau să vină şi fără paşaport sau chiar să nu aibă făcut. Şi atunci ce se făceau dacă îl cerea cineva?
Asta dacă nu e vorba de ”passport” în sensul de buletin…
09/08/2007 at 4:46 PMDraga mea, iti citesc blogul cu placere de vreo luna si am ramas in urma cu cateva post-uri, ca am fost plecata cateva zile si n-am avut acces la internet. Insa am sesizat o greseala ortografica. In insemnarea ta de pe 1 august, “Egoism prostesc”, afirmi: “Unii oameni nu au nici o sansa. Te uiti la ei si vezi ca nu au nici o idee, nici o sclipire.” Ca o absolventa de jurnalism ce esti, n-ai aflat ca “nici o” s-a transformat in “nicio”?
Raman in continuare cititoarea ta, posturile tale ma destreseaza si cochetez din ce in ce mai mult cu ideea de a-mi face eu insami blog. 🙂
Andreea M.
10/08/2007 at 1:10 AMtraineeship? Polonia? polish? 😀 astea mi-au atras atentia; ce, cand, cum??? :D:D:D
10/08/2007 at 7:27 AMSignificant other ? dump him ?! sau dai de inteles…
oricum … cheama-l si azi… si apoi… pune si tu niste numere la loto… poate iti e norocul in alta parte 🙂
curiozitate… iti citeste blogul ? daca da … de cind ?
i’m bad… as usual 😀
Have a nice day !
Alina Popescu
10/08/2007 at 11:00 AMI quote: “very cute guy in the office said hello to me yesterday”. The weakness would be him liking you. The episode I was referring to from Fredo&Pidjin was the one with the girl next door 😛
10/08/2007 at 4:58 PMAlina, I wish. I saw a wedding ring on his finger today…
era o bursa Erasmus in Polonia.
Alina Popescu
13/08/2007 at 12:04 PMThat’s not good…Well, I am sure you’ll find some more cute guys at work to exploit 😛 Kidding, but I’m sure you are bound to meet some cool and interesting people. It always happens, all along with the bitter/envious bunch 😀
andreimoro san
15/08/2007 at 5:36 PMaccession to the EU, not ascension.