I said I wouldn’t write about my personal life anymore because I just hate it when people ask questions about stuff they read on my blog. But I can’t help it! :))
I had an Ally McBeal moment that I just have to tell you about.
– me – two weeks ago – crying in my bathtub, rubbing my feet: “Nobody loves me. I want a massage… Why am I rubbing my own feet?? Nobody loves me…” :((
– me – two days ago – drinking at a party – talking to an uber-cute guy. Me: “What do you do for a living?” Him: “I am a masseur”. I looked up and said “Good one, Jesus!” :))))))
We’re just friends, relax. Still, it was funny. And, to all you readers out there, unless you want me to stop writing about my ally mcbeal moments, if you see me – please do not – I repeat – DO NOT ask for details about my posts. I dislike that.
05/11/2007 at 5:11 PMcan we ask about your feet?:)
05/11/2007 at 5:11 PM:)) sure.
05/11/2007 at 5:16 PMIt’s a good insight from your fucked up personal life…i hope not so much as you believe it is 😉
that uber-cute guy sounds interesting, I’m dieing to hear more about him…do you have pictures? …more than a tznd words.
05/11/2007 at 5:18 PMkarta,
yes, I do have pictures. I’ll show you when we meet for tea. 😛
05/11/2007 at 7:14 PM:))
that sounds EXACTLY like Ally :))
05/11/2007 at 7:30 PMnobody likes to be asked questions about their posts, and yet most people ask, blah!
05/11/2007 at 10:55 PMThere’s an Ally McBeal in all of us…
06/11/2007 at 1:12 AMDeci te-ar deranja si daca te-ar intreba daca ai nevoie de un masaj?:)
ariciul verde
06/11/2007 at 2:44 AMWhy were you lonely? Don’t you have a significant other anymore? Why were you crying? How did you break up with that last fella? Why were you massaging your feet? Did they hurt? Why? What’s your fave posish? Why? What Disney character do you fancy? Why? Why don’t you like questions? Aren’t they fun? Why?
06/11/2007 at 12:11 PMAcuma imagineaza-ti ca unui tip ii place de tine, sunteti impreuna si toate alea. Sa presupunem ca tipului ii place ca iubita sa-i scrie scenarii. Si a dat peste tine! Oau! Super. Pe de alta parte, tie, scriind scenarii toata ziua, s-ar putea sa nu-ti faca chiar atat de multa placere sa “muti” biroul acasa. Ia gandeste-te!
Daca vrei masaj, eu zic sa te duci la masaj. Iti fac eu niste recomandari. Intelegi ce vreau sa zic.
Hai te-am pupat 😉
06/11/2007 at 5:32 PMAsta-i ca si in Seinfeld cand Jerry avea o iubita maseur si era disperat ca lui nu-i facea masaj.
06/11/2007 at 11:23 PMYupeeee… I’m not the only one having Ally McBeal moments (desi trebuie sa recunosc ca nu mi s-a mai intamplat de ceva vreme…)
Banc cu arabi « blog de umor
07/11/2007 at 2:55 PM[…] للا” إلى جانب أعمال أخرى مثل “أساطير معاصرة andressa ” و “بشار الخير” و “النواعير” و “بغال […]
08/11/2007 at 4:18 PMeu cred ca esti doar isterica
Pitic somer
15/11/2007 at 7:36 PMBunaaaa Andressssss ssss ssssa MCmcmc m cbeal ! Sunt un pitic barbos si balbaittt tttt, am lucrat la circ, dresam bestii, dar acum sunt somer… Vrei sa fiu piticul tau? P.S: te las sa ma prinzi.