Cried enough. Let’s laugh a little.
I am so cartoonish. They should make a sitcom about my life and name it after me! 😀
Yesterday I realized that I have sent text messages to a wrong number, thinking I was writing to the cute guy I thought was gay but apparently he’s not and he likes me. 😉 But I had the wrong number! Oh, Lord, who have I sent those messages to?? Anyway, I was drunk when I sent them and, you know, sadness + alcohol + cute guy = what have I done?? But then again, you don’t want to hear the “you don’t get to call me whore” speech, do you? Then, shut up. Thank you! 🙂
Anyway, got the right number and I couldn’t call him because my phone has a broken button. It’s the “9” button. And I couldn’t call him. Hilarious, isn’t it? 😀
I pushed the button for an hour continuously until it worked! Yay! If he only knew the trouble I went through to get to him. Hahaha!
Happy end: the cute guy wants to take me out. Then again, who doesn’t? 😀 Just kidding, relax, you hyenas! (I’ll get hate mail for that joke, but I can take it!) Anyway, I’m concentrating on the nice things in my life. Like cute guys and ice cream and work. Ok, work isn’t as nice as cute guys and ice cream, but it keeps me busy (plus I get to work with cute guys so it adds up nicely).
Aaaand, another funny thing: remember when our English was so bad and we used to mess up the lyrics to our favorite songs or the name of artists? Like: “Richard touch face” instead of “Reach out and touch faith”? Or “Dirty Streets” instead of “Dire Straits”? Today I laughed for minutes in the subway when I heard someone singing “If you ain’t got more money take your big ass home” instead of “If you ain’t got no money take your broke ass home”! 😀 I thought it was hilarious. 😀 Funny day today.
25/04/2007 at 5:20 PM…abracadabra!
25/04/2007 at 5:22 PMmmm, excuse me?
25/04/2007 at 5:36 PMSo true about the songs. It brings back memories for me too, because I was also one of those singing “Richard touch face” :)). Good times they were…
Alexandra Ivan
25/04/2007 at 5:43 PMAm gasit si eu ceva funny, cum poti, dom’le sa “imbrancesti” o musca?! :)))
“Hmmm, stăteam şi fumam o ţigară pe balcon şi văzui o muscă pe geam. Cred că dormea sau ceva de genul… oricum, stătea pe loc. Nu ştiu de ce, dar am simţit nevoia de a o da afară de pe balconul apartamentului, aşadar am îmbrâncit-o uşor. Nu ştiu ce a făcut ulterior, că am pierdut-o din vedere. Apoi m-a izbit brusc răutatea gestului meu gratuit. Chiar nu era nevoie să fac asta.” []
25/04/2007 at 6:19 PMumm.. deci ai ajuns in etapa de “forced rebound actions”.. e bine, te misti repede:)
25/04/2007 at 6:33 PMcatalin,
nu exagera. beau o cafea cu cineva care ma face sa rad. sa nu transformam asta in elatie pansament sau logodna. nu e nici una, nici alta. e o cafea cu cineva care ma face sa rad.
25/04/2007 at 7:18 PMdraga andreea,
nu ma refeream la nimic din ce spui tu.
sunt cred, pasi sau etape naturale prin care o persoana trece dupa o despartire, mai mult sau mai putin dureroasa. la parcugerea etapelor ma refeream cand am spus repede..
e bun si ceaiul:).
25/04/2007 at 7:21 PMcatalin,
nu despatirea doare, ci minciuna. nu pot sa o accept. dar nu conteaza, stiu eu bine ce e acolo.
ionut doi
25/04/2007 at 10:48 PM🙁 what’s rong with hyenas?
25/04/2007 at 11:02 PMionut doi,
lasa link, nu fi timid! 🙂
hyenas are nice, but they eat corpses. and I felt ready to be eaten alive by hyenas. weird, huh?
Monica D.
26/04/2007 at 8:34 AMBravo Andressa, mi-ai adus aminte de vremurile cand nu numai ca nu stiam limba engleza, dar nici limba romana nu o stapaneam – vorbesc fireste de varsta de 3 ani (cand eram la grupa mare) si dimineata cantam “se inalta ca un nastur”…Va las placerea sa recunoasteti cantecul 😉
Si mai era o poezie – “…Cu blocuri multe, mii si mii/Si gradinite de copii…” – la care spuneam “Cu blocuri multe, visinii”!
26/04/2007 at 9:00 AMMonica D.,
si in romana se aplica, da. Vaaai, cat macelaream versurile. Oricum, la mine Abba si Bee Gees sunt in topul stalcirilor. Si “I will survive” al Glorei Gaynor. Pe asta din urma inca o mai aud stalcita cand o canta artistii autohtoni. Hihi.
26/04/2007 at 9:26 AMi still do that, intentionally with u2’s one lyrics: “have you come here to play jesus to the leper in your head” (original). I prefer bed instead of head: it invites a nice romantic story between a handsome sociopat and a mean utterly egotistic gorgeous woman. the stories we make up…:)
that reminds me…i should look up the lyrics to e. john’s sacrifice. I never got around to doing that. it’s still mumble, mumble mumble…sacriiiiifice. that part I got right. i think…:)
have a great day. you’ve just made mine.
26/04/2007 at 12:45 PMloved your post
made me laugh
take care
Svastik Unleashed » Blog Archive » Gary Cooper
26/04/2007 at 6:30 PM[…] porcino-respingătoare pe care o aveam implantată) (which I thought was funny, pentru că şi Andressa scria azi despre misunderstood lyrics […]