I’m posting in English because I promised Konrad, a friend from school, I would write a text he would understand!
I want to show you want we’re doing in our photography classes, in the studio. I am terrible at taking pictures, but I am a good model! 🙂
These pictures were taken by Ina a few weeks ago. My hands. I had a French manicure! 🙂
08/12/2006 at 1:10 AMse vede prea slab frenchul de pe unghii
i love french-painted-nails girls!
08/12/2006 at 2:04 AMNice hands. 🙂
08/12/2006 at 3:14 AMPot sa spun ca citesc de ceva timp de pe blog-ul asta si chiar imi place ;).
cosmin dulea
08/12/2006 at 7:57 AMsuper tari fotografiile…. se pare ca nu ai intarziat la cursul ala de fotografie… daca esti amabila…cu ce tip de camera au fost facute …..sunt superbe(photografiile)…si manechiura frantuzeasca
konrad aka ksy
08/12/2006 at 12:50 PMthx ;)) I already see these phots;) but thanks, that in the end something in English;P
I must start learning Romanian… it will be more easily!!!
08/12/2006 at 12:57 PMPretty good photos, the third is my favorite.
08/12/2006 at 1:58 PMI like the last one, it really brings out that beautiful skin tone.
08/12/2006 at 2:52 PMThis would be called TEASING in English! 🙂 Just so Konrad understands.
PS: very warm hands
08/12/2006 at 3:27 PMnice, btw … what’s zajecia? early?
Ariel Constantinof [aka We3d]
08/12/2006 at 6:44 PMNu se prea vede polishul dar pozele sunt oki. Apropos, e mai frumos blogul cu totul cand scrii in engleza… parerea mea…
09/12/2006 at 2:37 AMwhat should wi sii in dose pictures?
11/12/2006 at 7:16 AMHi there! What camera was used to take these pictures of your hands? On another note, what is the best camera, in your opinian? Thanks. Tony 🙂
11/12/2006 at 9:55 PMAgo,
we are still learning how to use the camera and to set the lights. I’m afraid that in those pictures you can only see if the focus was good and… my hands!
a Canon. Don’t ask me more! Don’t know anything about cameras.
Andressa » Televizor
11/12/2006 at 11:15 PM[…] In apartamentul nostru nu exista nici televizor, nici radio. Avem Internet prin cablu intr-una din camere. Dar sa deschizi computerul si sa asculti acelasi playlist a douazecea oara sau iar pandora nu e amuzant. Uneori nu vrei sa asculti muzica! Uneori vrei zaci ca o leguma si sa te uiti ca popandaul. Ca amuzament, in casa noastra poti gati, spala sau citi – cele trei nu se exclud reciproc. Insa de spalat, cat poti spala? Ce-i drept, masina de spalat nu functioneaza, din ea ies lucrurile murdare, ude si pline de detergent, fapt care ne tine ceva timp ocupate: spala, freaca chiar, limpezeste, stoarce, scutura, atarna. La cearsafuri iei punctaj dublu! Acum a mai fost adaugata o proba: balsamul de rufe. Asta pentru ca felia a intrebat candid: “Cum? Nu aveti Coccolino?” – in zadar am incercat sa-i explic ca masina de spalat nu stie nici ce e aia detergent, ca balsamul ar baga-o in ceata si mai deasa, dezamagirea de pe chipu-i nu a disparut. Am luat Lenor. Ca e recomandat de Ariel. Tot manual trebuie clatite in chestia parfumata. Inapoi la oile noastre. Nice hands, you say? Numai eu, Ina si Dumnezeu stim cat ustura la atingere de la carat zeci de plase pe frig si spalat cu domestos sau cu ariel… […]
12/12/2006 at 7:28 PMhey, don’t take it de parcă Å£i-aÅŸ fi cerut socoteală, they are cute. but I was thinking about “what if I’m missing something?” 🙂
19/12/2006 at 12:24 PMFelicitari Inei pentru fotografii, si modelului pentru expresivitate! 😉
20/12/2006 at 4:04 PMInteresante palme. Asa putin posesiva, nu? 😉