Yesterday we had guests. Our 26-year-old tutor and her boyfriend came for dinner. The sauce I made (with mushrooms and meat, as you can see) was delicious. And I’m not just saying that, because I made it, with the help of Ina, of course! 🙂 The guests actually ate it and even wanted a refill! We had icecream for desert.
The conversation was very nice. I learned many new things. I’ll try to make a summary for you:
- the president and the prime-minister are twin brothers. They were elected last year.
- some people say the prime-minister could be gay, but still in the closet 🙂 ironically, he didn’t agree with the gay pride parade this year.
- a Member of the Parliament, Renata Beger, who I’ve told is a populist, recorded a Minister trying to bribe her into enroling in his party, PiS, as they need a majority. The prime-minister reacted (strangely) by focusing on the journalist who gave Renata Beger the recording device! The Minister who tried to bribe her said it’s the way politics works.
- it costs 1000 zlots or more (1000 new lei) to get a motorcycle driver license.
- the latest Miss World Competition was held in Warsaw and Miss Romania got the third place. What do you know…
- did you know there’s a Polish website similar to NowandThen.ro? This is the link to the photo gallery. Click on the name of a street and then hold the pointer over the photo for the new image.
On my To-do-list, there’s a visit to a Feminist NGO, called OSKA. Check out their website. I’m going to do volunteer work. Tomorrow I’m going for the first time, I’ll help the librarian by arranging the books in English. I can’t wait. I have to write to AIESEC again, as well.
Mom is trying to leave comments on my blog. Oh God, I hope she won’t embarrass me by telling you how I’m scared of bugs and stuff like that. Hi, mom! I make my own coffee and wash the dishes! Didn’t think I was up for it, did you? 🙂 Miss you.
I found out that the “Day of the Dead” or some holiday like that is on the 1st of November. And, because that’s on a Wednesday, we have the rest of the week off. I’m not complaining. I’d like to go to Cracow.
I’m moving to the other apartment tonight or tomorrow morning. Really hope it’s got an Internet connection. For the ones out there who think I’m a freak obsessed with this, I should tell you that I’m supposed to work while I’m here, to send articles and find sources, plus I have my diploma to work on and I really need the Internet for reading the Romanian newspapers. So, there! I’m not a freak! 😛
Miss you, guys! 🙂
ps: the weather’s getting crappy 🙁
02/10/2006 at 12:46 PMhmm,at news they said that romania got the 2nd place at miss world.in poland it was 3rd.what is this?telefonul fara fir?i believe that in moldova we are the winners:D
02/10/2006 at 12:49 PMI’m afarid I didn’t check. Somebody told me that. I’ll get back to you on that.
02/10/2006 at 1:19 PMI’m not surprised about the gay prime minister is homophobic. It’s a widely acknowledged fact that gays in the closet make the worst homophobes.
Indeed, the news about the Romanian who ranked second (not third) at the Miss World pageant made headlines here.
I didn’t know about NowandThen.ro! Nice stuff.
Hi, Andressa’s mom. We miss her too, you know. (And we’re scared of “bugs” as well, so it’s all right: tell us all about your daughter. Heh, heh.)
02/10/2006 at 1:27 PMwikipedia zice
* WINNER: Czech Republic – Taťána Kuchařová
* 1st Runner Up: Romania – Ioana Valentina Boitor
* 2nd Runner Up: Australia – Sabrina Houssami, Australia
02/10/2006 at 2:02 PMthe weather will improve soon… anyway, if it makes you feel better, the weather was crappy here, too 😛
02/10/2006 at 2:05 PMtrifoi, it does, thank you! 😉
Stingo, stop addressing my mom!!!! 🙂
02/10/2006 at 3:35 PMhey, I knew all was going to be right and it certainly sounds that way. Was I or was I not (among) the first to predict interesting posts from Poland? ;;)
02/10/2006 at 5:05 PM@Stingo: Thanks 🙂
@andressa: We didn’t know about that Polish website. Anyway, nowandthen is way cooler ;):P
02/10/2006 at 6:42 PMlol
Mama Andressei
02/10/2006 at 7:03 PMSince you’ve left, I managed to learn English….
The only problem I have is my sight – it seems to me that you cook cigaretes – I saw a red package of cigaretes and a green lighter on the kitchen table – or was it a flower????
You’d better keep on learning then cooking 🙂
When are you coming home???
Send my regards to your room-mate and I hope you two are like sisters.
Keep in touch!
Pa mami!
P.S. How are your guests? Still alive?
03/10/2006 at 1:10 AM“Day of the dead” e Halloween, chiar daca se mai numeste si All saints’ day. Have fun!
03/10/2006 at 2:14 AMtwin brothers AND child-actors – http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0060771/
tv trivia…
03/10/2006 at 9:59 AMMom, those were the matches!!! (chibrituri). I would never post a picture with cigarettes 🙂
03/10/2006 at 12:31 PMMama Andressei rules!
03/10/2006 at 8:40 PMziua mortilor se sarbatoreste si in toata transilvania, inclusiv de mai toti ortodocsii
Cum e să fii Erasmus :) « Andrei
29/11/2006 at 5:35 PM[…] http://www.andressa.ro/2006/10/dinner-is-served.html […]
20/02/2007 at 2:58 PMhey andressa,
nice blog.
what about AIESEC?
I was an aiesec member for 2 hears and a half:P