*A personal overview
As many of you already know, I posted a series of interviews on the “Revolutia Blogurilor” website. It was part of my duties as a Kinecto trainee. I loved it! 🙂
I just came back from the Conference. I went as a Netopia guest, as Antonio Eram was kind enough to invite to me to the event.
I shared a cab with Bobby and surprinsingly made it on time. I arrived at 10 minutes to 11 and that gave me enough time to meet some other participants and make a few jokes before Jeremy started his presentation.
I wore a dress, which I seldom do, but I thought it’s the kind of event I bought my dresses for. See a picture with the dress here.
The Conference was a good opportunity to talk to bloggers I had already met before and meet some new ones as well: Deea, Radu, Manafu, Dragos N, Dragos D, Vladimir, Bobby, Ionut, Andreea, Antonio.
Jeremy is younger the some would expect knowing the things that he’s done: wrote a book, set up a successful business etc. He looks around thirty. I could tell he was a little nervous in the beginning, especially as this was the first time he was holding a conference to a foreign audience (Canadians don’t count! :)) but it got better on the way.
He talked about what a blog is, how to start a blog and gave tips on how to get more traffic. For a Blogger, with a capital B, that I am, those things weren’t new at all but Jeremy was funny and presented it in a nice manner.
The bloggers enjoyed some of the jokes more than others as we have out own subculture: links, spam, negative comments – it’s part of our universe! 🙂 Jeremy was very inspired to ask some bloggers to get on the stage at the end and give a piece of advice to those planning to start a corporate blog. Bobby, Deea and Ionut talked about networking, using tags, posting often – pretty cool stuff.
The participants got a bag with a T-shirt and a cap with the title of the event and a file, but it would have been a lot more useful to us to receive a pen and some paper as we had nothing to take notes on (everybody thought the organizers will provide the “tools”).
I look forward to the next of event of this kind. Even if it’s only for the chatting during the breaks (which by the way were very frequent!) as I loved talking to bloggers and people in the business of advertising, marketing and Public Relations.
Nice work Jeremy!
later edit: Bobby just announced that Jeremy will be his next guest on his show on Radio Lynx. Read more.
Also, read about the event on Metropotam, or what they wrote: Manafu, Radu, Filip …
03/07/2006 at 7:00 PMbut… but… but… anything revolutionary?
Filip Lepus » Revolutia blogurilor
03/07/2006 at 7:42 PM[…] Au fost cativa bloggeri care au postat live de pe laptop. Am identificat doar un post deocamdata: Radu Ionescu Andressa […]
03/07/2006 at 8:06 PM[..] For a Blogger, with a capital B, that I am [..]
Do you have a masters degree to prove? 🙂
03/07/2006 at 8:08 PMCristy, the hours spent blogging are all the proof I need. That’s what I meant – blogoholic.
03/07/2006 at 8:53 PMÅŸtiu ÅŸi trei alte adjective pentru tine…
DotCommerce » Blog Archive » Revolutia blogurilor ? Sorry. Nope
03/07/2006 at 9:39 PM[…] Si astazi a fost ziua in care Jeremy Wright a avut conferinta in Bucuresti. Multa lume cunoscuta ( si mai multa necunoscuta mie), bloggeri de succes ( =lots of comments on their posts- community builders) si ceva costume ( aaa…are you looking for a dif conference guys ?). Opinii despre conferinta ? Andressa, Deea, Radu, Manafu, Dragos N, Dragos D, Vladimir, Bobby, Ionut. Recomand pentru optimisti aceste insemnari. […]
Vladimir Oane » Blog Archive » Revolutia blogurilor review
04/07/2006 at 11:04 AM[…] Evident m-am trezit ultimul sa scriu despre eveniment. Au scris inaintea mea Metropotam Madalin Andressa Ionut si altii (scuze daca v-am uitat). Desi majoritatea celor prezenti au fost dezamagiti de eveniment eu pot sa spun ca a fost exact cum ma asteptam. Mediu, cu multe chestii pentru incepatori, care insa nu au miscat audienta. Jumate din ei au plecat rapid. […]
Jeremy Wright in Romania at roflpops.com
04/07/2006 at 5:16 PM[…] also met Cristian (his entry – RO), Andressa (her entry), Radu Ionescu (entry in RO -and check out pics!), Dragos (his entry – RO), Ionut Oprea (entry in RO) […]
04/07/2006 at 6:32 PMda eram eu ultima! mi-am schimbat adresa
kiddo - personalitate in exces » Jeremy Wright in Romania
05/07/2006 at 12:29 AM[…] also met Cristian (his entry – RO), Andressa (her entry), Radu Ionescu (entry in RO -and check out pics!), Dragos (his entry – RO), Ionut Oprea (entry in RO) […]
BLOGoree.ro blog » Blog Archive » Revolutia Blogurilor si Jeremy Wright
05/07/2006 at 4:25 AM[…] In sfarsit, am reusit si eu sa fac o pauza sa scriu despre Revolutia Blogurilor. Pentru alte comentarii referitoare, cititi ce au scris ceilalti bloggeri prezenti: Dan, Alin, Radu, Cristian, Andressa, Deea, Dragos N, Vladimir, Madalin, Alina, Antonio, Dragos D, Andreea, Daniela, Bogdan, Cezar, Andrei, Gusti, Vio, Monica , Adrian, metropotam (multumesc, Ionut pentru lista ). […]
Revolutia Blogurilor » Despre Conferinta in blogosfera
06/07/2006 at 10:14 AM[…] Bloggerii au scris impresii despre Conferinta “Revolutia Blogurilor”. Cititi pe Metropotam, Andressa (1 si 2), Radu, Manafu, Vladimir, Deea si la multi altii care au notat puncte tari si puncte slabe ale evenimentului. Pentru mai multe review-uri, click aici. De asemenea, vedeti pozele de la Conferinta (click pe poza de mai jos). […]